I was scanning the newsstand the other day and saw this cover of Detail magazine. As I looked at the cover lines from the newsstand they read as the following: Are you satisfying your wife, the new White-collar addiction, and the army's big gay secret. Are they telling me Brad Pitt can satisfy my wife, is he the new addiction, or is he the Army's big gay secret? The cover line that had something to do with Brad Pitt was on the bottom of the cover.
The placement of cover lines are important to magazines on the newsstands. If the main cover line is on the bottom of the cover it is most likely covered. Details probably thought his image would be enough. But as a reader I want to know what the article is about.
I'm female and I think I'd like to buy this mgazine. I'm not a tomboy/man and it's not just because Brad Pitt is easy on the eyes either. The overall layout is clean and the image is striking. I must agree with you however that hierarchy is not well handled by the designer. The overall layout is nice and clean but the level of importance given to each section through placement and color. Perhaps the Brad Pitt section could have been written in red... the designer tried to make it larger and bolder than everything else but clearly that was not enough.
I would also like to know why Brad is on the cover, without an exhausting search. There are times where I stand at magazine racks trying to match a cover image to the cover line. Sometimes I succeed, other times the image is too busy, covered with too much text and I just give up.
Yes. It drives me crazy when I have to read through too many random cover lines to find the one that matches the picture. I always want that one to be front-and-center. I mean, why put the image on the cover if it is not your lead story. Crazy!
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