As I was working on my classification project. I ran across a lot of shoes that have interesting designs. Sneakers have come a long way from those off white Chuck Taylor’s All-Stars of the 20’s. Sneakers have some good and bad color palettes. Our sneakers can say a lot about us. What do you look for in a sneaker? Is it the design/style, comfort, or price?
Well being a drooling fan of PUMA sneakers (I don't own one yet), I must say I find many of their designs captivating. I will admit that color draws me in first, after which I look at the overall design and then the price. I think I rarely find color and design in the same group with priices that I am willing to pay for a sneaker. There are many other cheaper options however. Designs are more than just color now but also patterns and other forms of designs.
I think very differently about publication design however. Layout design always comes before color. I wonder how it is for everyone else.
Since I only own a couple pairs of sneakers that do not serve any function except footwear I go with coolness factor. When I was in my early 20s I had a massive sneaker collection, at the time I would buy my kicks, usually low-top old school styles like Stan Smith's, Adidas Shell-tops or Swede Pumas, based on price, color and obviously the style. I used to rock the classic New Yorker style laces too, remember them? When I was a kid my dad would always buy my Chuck Taylor's, I must have worn only Chuck's until I was in H.S. I couldn't wait to get a pair of Nike's. Now, I mainly just wear the Chuck's again and would never buy another pair of Nike high tops- full circle.
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